Dev C++ Program For Tetris Game
Computer Programming - C Programming Language - Tetris Game in C sample code - Build a C Program with C Code Examples - Learn C Programming. Bouncing Ball (Dev C GUI code). Is created via a call to the API function ellipse and then bounced within the confines of the windows form. For the DEV C crowd: Let me know if you find these snippets somewhat helpful in your learning process in the comments section at the end. But is possible to add sprites and gui to the game.
A tetris game in C using NCURSES. It's pretty feature complete, except forstretch goals I may pick up in my free time.
My dependencies are:

1.2 for sound.ncurses
for terminal manipulation.
To install them on Arch Linux:
To install them on Ubuntu:
To compile:
Precision tune auto center shelton ct coupons. To run:
You will need to provide a file named tetris.mp3
in the same directory thatyou're running the game from. As I understand it, the official Tetris themesong is legally protected in the use of games like this, so I will not beproviding or linking to that. But I'm sure you could find something! (You donot need to provide tetris.mp3
in order to play the game, only if you wantsound!).
The controls are typical of Tetris:
Dev C++ Program For Tetris Games
- ← and →: Move the tetromino,
- ↑: Rotate (clockwise?) the tetromino,
- ↓: Immediately drop the tetromino (not a fast drop, an immediate drop),
- Q: Exit the game prematurely,
- P: Pause the game (any key to resume),
- B: 'Boss mode' - show a mock terminal screen to fool nosy onlookers. HitF1 to resume the game afterwards.
- S: Save game and exit (just assumes filename
). To resume thegame, runbin/release/main
(or whatever you may have renamed thegame save to).
Dev C Program For Tetris Game 2
Future/Stretch Goals
Tetris C Program
- Sound effects (in addition to the theme music).
- Networked multiplayer!